You ever have one of those days where you’re kind of done with animals; yeah I’m having one of those days.
So I did something incredibly stupid today.
So I was supposed to go take pictures of a move for Jake, but while I was driving I saw these two little dogs that look lost. Now I’m a sucker for helping lost dogs, especially if they’re lost.
So I pulled my car over tried to call them And when I saw them panting I rummage through my car for some old bottle waters and something to give the dogs water. Well the dogs left it up pretty quick and I was able to grab one, but then when I grab the other one, he bit me.
And well needless to say, I started bleeding all over the place. But I was able to get one of the dogs in the car
The good news is that I was able to find the dogs owner. The dog that bit me, ran off, but was able to get back home.
Needless to say, I’m not able to type, and hadn’t finished my post yet. So now, I’m actually dictating this on my iPhone. This is the first time I’ve ever tried to use this feature to try to post something.
Well, we’ll see how it goes.
What really sucks, is that I have a photography gig tomorrow, and I hope I can still use my fingers.
Plus, I’ve got little droplets of blood in my car that I have to go pick up.
Luckily, the little dog that I found Santos, had a chip. So I took him to a nearby vet, and they were able to contact his owner. The good news, is that the owner recently got the dogs rabies shots updated. So, hopefully I won’t be so mean at the mouth and my family won’t have to put me down like old yeller. Needless to say this is kind a put a hamper on my day. But I’m determined to post my 500 words, even if they’re not typed.
So, either way I need to finish this out.
Yeah, so my head is starting to really really hurt, and I’m afraid I’ll have to go see a doctor. Add to that, I have a shoot tomorrow, and I hope I can use my hand.
So, I’m not really sure how I feel about dictation, but it does seem to be picking up what I’m saying. So that’s cool.
What would be cool to figure out, is how to start a new paragraph. Once I figure that out then this could be a viable option to writing.
Either way, you’ll have to forgive this post, because I’m simply going to post it and not correct it. I’m simply in a little bit too much pain.
The good news, is that Santos owner picked her up later in the afternoon and told me that both dogs are now home. Hindsight be in 2020 I should’ve just left the dogs figure out for themselves how to get home.