Man, I almost forgot to write my post today.
Mind you; I’m still writing with bandages on my hand.
I had a photography gig this morning, photographing a running Field Day event ran by Matt Choi.
I was introduced to Matt by my cousin Chris Pinales, who is one exceptional athlete in his own right.
It was your typical Texas fall day, so hot. I don’t know why I wore jeans and a polo shirt.
So my job was to run around and take candid shots of Matt, the Coaches, and the attendees. Seeing these athletes reminded me that I needed to get in shape.
I’ll post some pictures after I send Matt his gallery.
So after some gentle nudging, I finally went to a clinic to get a tetanus shot and have Toby’s bits looked at. One of his bites broke through my tendon.
This is an obscure reference, but I remember seeing in this one Nightmare On Elm Street, where one of the characters shoots up crack. At some point, they look at their arms, and their track marks are little mouths opening and closing.
This bit reminds me of that scene. I can see my tendon, so that was freaking me out.
The lady that gave me the shot asked if I wanted the nurse practitioner to check out Toby’s bits, and I said, “sure, why not.”
Well, the nurse practitioner saw the hole and quickly prescribed antibiotics. She also lectured me about my weight.
So maybe this is the universe telling me something.
Getting my tetanus shot reminded me of the last time I got a tetanus shot.
I was eight at the time and was into models. I was hanging out a Winn’s and saw this model knife that I wanted but had no money for. So I put the knife in my pocket and shoplifted it.
My heart was racing the whole time until I got home.
I had gotten away with it.
Later that evening, while working on the Red October, I accidentally sliced a chunk of my finger off. I yelled, and my dad immediately rushed me into the bathroom to clean my room.
As he cleaned my wound, my mom walked in with the knife and asked where I got the knife.
Between sobs, I confessed to my mom and dad that I had stolen it.
Dad took me to the hospital to get my tetanus shot. Before the doctor gave me the shot, my dad told the doctor to make sure it hurt since I was a little thief.
When I got home, mom asked how I was and that she had found the little piece of skin on my finger.
This was about when Jeffery Dahmer had just been arrested and all over the news.
When I told her they wouldn’t be able to stitch that part of the finger back on; mom said we could send it to Jeffery Dahmer as an appetizer. I bawled, convinced that if Jeffery Dahmer got the slightest taste of me, he’d surely come for the rest.
A couple of days later, I went into the freezer, found my little piece of finger, and threw it away, just in case.